Friday, November 11, 2011

Game glitch!

When me and hawkfrost24 (my buddy) were about to play marbles, hawkfrost24's name became Princess Orangemountain! This name I remembered from when I had a similar glitch, all of my animals except my rhino (I was in that form)became Princess Orangemountain!! I couldn't switch to any of my other animals either!
Please let me know of any other glitches!


  1. I hope you like the jellybean background!:D

  2. Cool glitch!
    P.S.Its Crystpal

  3. That once happened to be,but it was Princess bluemountain...

  4. one time i got a weird glitch not listed there: i was a croc at the wolves only party O_O it was very weird O_O wow, i do not know how, but i think it started with being able to be a tiger in an ocean O_O i tried it with a croc and ended up in the wolf party O_O

  5. @Anonymous/wolfhead73601
    O_O weird... do you have any pictures?


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