Monday, February 11, 2013

New Story?

I'm thinking of replacing 'Journey to the City of Ticernace' and replacing it with a new story. I have so much stuff that I don't need on this blog. I'm still thinking of a name for the story, though.
Yes Scooter, it's about dogs and other animals. I'll tell you about them so far....................

Stray dog, kind, shy, deep blue eyes, brown fur with tints of dappled black and white, straight ears, medium sized,

Stray dog, used to be a guard dog, amber eyes,   one crooked ear, one straight ear, scar on eye, black fur, white stomache and paws, medium sized,

Owned by humans, small and fluffy, white, small drooping ears, beady black eyes, clean freak, bratty, full of herself, wears a diamond studded collar,

Stray dog, can be protective, ferocious, dark brown eyes, black fur with brown stomach and neck, straight ears, still keeps his spiked collar from when he was a guard dog, large dog, don't get on his bad side, can be very sensitive,

1 comment:

  1. Hmm... sorry, I'm not very good at naming things but that story sounds very awesome! :D

    ~Your 1# fan, Sunset (from


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