Monday, August 20, 2012

Transformice and Eggcave

I have hardly been on AJ lately. I have mostly been on Eggcave and Transformice.
So yea...I'm also thinking of quitting. :P


  1. hey this is matty and try to friend me on transformice write back to me

  2. Please don't quit, Cocoa! You are one of my best friends on AJ!

  3. Hey CoCoa, long time no talk, sorry it's mostly because I QUIT AJ! It's just ugh! This person was pretending to be ME! ME OUT OF ANYBODY IN THIS WORLD!! Btw click on my name and it'll go to my blog ;D!

  4. Hey i play on Transformice too! I'm Doojay! I'm not really new but all i have is a flower in my hair :\ I'm saving up for a item that cost 4001 cheese :D I like playing on survival mode mostly cause you have to dodge bats and cannons! Add me Choco!


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