Friday, June 22, 2012

One ring

Ok, I need some volunteers to be some characters in this video I'm doing. Some parts have requirements... please comment to have the character. Please add your user too.
Here are some parts:

(Must have a unicorn horn, not the scary kind and you must have a horse because shes a unicorn)
Bella plays an important part in the story, she needs to find a ring for a quest but doesn't know her rival is on a quest for the same ring...
Is a kind unicorn but will snap at others when shes angry. 

(Is a wolf, is a male)
Shadow is chosen to accompany Bella on her quest for the ring. Is a brave but goofy wolf.

(Is a tiger, must have a fox hat)
She accompanies Bella on the quest too. Is a fearless tiger.

(Male wolf)
Accompanies Rachel, Bella's rival. Is a show-off.

(Female seal must have skull pattern)
Accompanies Rachel and likes goth.

Please don't ask about Rachel, I'm being Rachel. :P


  1. Tell us who Rachel is! Also can I be Hailey?

  2. Can i be bella?
    My username is tiggytiger555

  3. Sure :D

    *Evil angels sing* I am Rachel! :P


Please don't cuss, swear or use any bad words, people of all ages may look at this blog so please don't use any inappropriate language. Remember, I'm moderating the comments!