Sunday, May 6, 2012

Fire pit

Sorry I've been missing alot of items! Well, sorry no picture but fire pits are our in Sunken Treasures!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Thanks 'cause I hardly ever go underwater. Wait, if there's a fire underwater wouldn'tit justgo out? AJHQ is weird....Anyway, it's perfectly OK you're missing items. I'll always forgive you. YAY FIRST COMMENT! XD And btw this is Foxer222 I've been banned so my new users are SunnyFarmery and skerrymalas. I'm trying to get skerrymalas fasmous, and SunnyFarmery is just my one that I can make like Foxer. So I'm really bummed out because I'm banned from AJ!No one will believe me when I say I'm Foxer222. Just trying to get the word out!


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