Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fancy top hat glitch

Heres a glitch that I found out by myself! Here is how you do the glitch.
1. Change into a tiger
2. Put on a fancy top hat (if you don't have one you can trade)
3. Do any action and watch your fancy top hat turn into a 2012 hat!


  1. To be honest with you, It is not a glitch.
    It is how the hat works.
    The full name of the hat is, 2012 Fancy Top Hat.
    Nice blog though!

  2. It won't work for my hat.
    Is it only for members.....?

  3. wow.... i have been playing animal jam for so long..... and i had no idea this was real..... HOW LONG WAS I ON VACTION IN MY MIND!!!



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