Monday, January 2, 2012

Awesome glitch!

Look at this glitch! The same thing happened to me before, I think its the coolest glitch that happened to me yet! Please let me know about any new glitches, thanks!
P.S. Horses are coming Thursday!


  1. COOL! I've seen people do that before! It's really cool, but AJ should probably fix it though..... Oh well! CAN'T WAIT FOR HORSES!!!!!! :D -snowdog900

  2. this glich happend to me 2 or 3 times now

  3. @ snowdog900,
    truw they should but it is 1 of my favorite glitches :D

  4. Hey this is Anonymous. Oh and btw Cocoafang I'm dancestar7775. I luv ur blog it is so kewl.


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