Sunday, January 27, 2013

Which Banner?

I'm trying to decide which banner I should use, comment to let me know!

 First one:

Second one:

The NERD Squad

I'll be posting some parts from this story I'm typing. This isn't going to be adventure-y, sorry to those people who like adventure stories. What, Scooter? No, it won't be mushy, plain dumb, or boring.
I'm trying to make it funny. Aww c'mon Scooter, I can be at least a tiny bit funny, right? Gosh Scooter, stop criticizing me! I was saying, here's a little picture......

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

More Randomness

Ello guys! Yup, even MORE randomness! I'm also thinking of a different banner. Well, take a look at these pictures!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Poll and Randomness

The 'Random stuff' choice on the poll got the most votes so I'm going to change around my blog a bit. PLUS, I'm going to post even RANDOMER stuff! Yes Scooter, that is a word.
So here's an epicly random picture! YES, that is a word too Scooter.

 P.S. New post on the art blog!